Glossary of Terms
This section seeks to provide insights on options as an asset class, and in the context of FABNT. The below terms will be important to understand FABNT products.
Long Call
Buying a call option gives the right to buy the underlying asset at the strike price upon option expiry.
Long Put
Buying a put option gives the right to sell the underlying asset at the strike price upon option expiry.
Short Call
Selling a call option creates an obligation to sell the underlying asset at the strike price upon option expiry to the buyer of the call option. In exchange for selling the call option, writers (or sellers) receive an option premium.
Short Put
Selling a put option creates an obligation to buy the underlying asset at the strike price upon option expiry to the buyer of the put option. In exchange for selling the put option, writers (or sellers) receive an option premium.
Underlying Asset
The asset in which a derivative instrument (i.e. an option) is based off of.
Strike Price
The price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold once an option is exercised.
The length of time until option expiry. In the context of the Basic Vaults, users would see "Weekly" or "Bi-weekly" - indicating the tenor of option, along with a countdown to option expiry.
European Styled
Options that may only be exercised at the expiration date of the option, i.e. at a single pre-defined point in time.
The process of fulfilling the terms of an options contract when the option is exercised — options may either be cash-settled or physically-settled. In the context of the Basic Vaults, the option contract buyer (i.e. accredited market maker) will have the right to exercise the option contract if it is in-the-money ("ITM").
Cash Settlement
Settlement type that involves the delivery of the net cash amount on the settlement date of the options contract.
Physical Settlement
Settlement type that involves the physical delivery of the underlying asset (i.e. $ETH) on the settlement date of the options contract.
An epoch is a period of time in which a Basic Vault is run. For a Basic Vault with a Weekly tenor, each epoch will run for one week. An epoch is split into a few distinct phases:
Deposit Phase: The Basic Vaults collect deposits from users, or roll-over deposits that users have had from the previous epoch.
Auction in progress: At the start of each epoch, FABNT conducts a blind auction where accredited market makers bid to buy option contracts sold by the Basic Vaults.
Settlement: The winning market maker of each Basic Vault then proceeds to deposit the option premiums upfront into the Basic Vault.
In Progress: After settlement, the epoch begins.
Basic Vault
LP Tokens
$XYZ-C (Call Basic Vault LP Token) and $XYZ-P (Put Basic Vault LP Token) represent fungible and transferrable tokenized Basic Vault positions – and form the backbone of all trading strategies on FABNT.
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